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My Thread Disappeared. What's the haps?

A few days ago I posted some humor towards one of the marketing ploys that some dealers use to retail coins and now the thread has vanished. I know it was posted here as I looked at it once after I put it out there. Someone said my thread might get "pulled" off of this forum because I may have hit a "sore spot" with the powers to be. Is this possible?


  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,203 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A lot of times when I laugh hardest, the threads disappear. I was just going to edit one because of certain issues, and it was gone. Please do not take it personal.
    What do you collect ?

    I like copper, nickel, silver, gold and platinum coins. The older the better.
    Have a nice evening.



  • HyperionHyperion Posts: 7,439 ✭✭✭
    I believe the proper expression is : what be the haps? but I could be wrong.

    cheers -
  • What, or who, makes a thread disappear? No bad words or life threatening remarks, no terrorist threats or national security issues, or even any mention of the average weight of a coin dealer. Hmmm.
    Guess I am confused.
  • Go ahead and repeat it here, we'll critique it for you.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

  • Sorry dude, "What's the haps" came along long before "What be the haps". Late 50's, early sixties.

  • << <i>I recently made a comment on a post about a certain coin coming to auction. It's a million dollar $20 gold piece and I said it was over graded by the TPG by at least 2 points and my post disappeared within 10 minutes of my posting. I do feel bad about posting an opinion so close to auction time, when this coin may break records for the date. But information is the key to educated buyers. >>

    So, you did not have the right to state your personal opinions about specific coins and related coin issues, on this "U. S. Coin Forum"? I've spent just enough time on this forum to see about every kind of opinion, on coin and non-numismatic threads, along with every kind of response approval and disapproval, that it seems to be a healthy, enjoyable, and educational place to discuss coins, and issues that revolve around the hobby and business. Correct me if I am wrong.

  • RegistryCoinRegistryCoin Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭✭
    redirected to dissthis@pcgsshredder.com image
  • ""So, you did not have the right to state your personal opinions about specific coins and related coin issues, on this "U. S. Coin Forum"? I've spent just enough time on this forum to see about every kind of opinion, on coin and non-numismatic threads, along with every kind of response approval and disapproval, that it seems to be a healthy, enjoyable, and educational place to discuss coins, and issues that revolve around the hobby and business. Correct me if I am wrong. ""

    so which disgruntled, ex forum member that was bammed is behind the mask on this ID image

    come on now, give us a hint!

    anyone else notice the large proliferationo newbies and profiles since the mass baminations? probably just a Co-ink-i-dink image
  • 53BKid53BKid Posts: 2,174 ✭✭✭

    They're reborn as newbies!
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 12,781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So what was this "marketing ploy'? If it was "First Strike" then that is no doubt why it was pulled, but anything else should have been OK unless it was PCGS related.
  • Well, first off I have never been thrown off of this forum, and any coin forums or other open forums that I have participated in over the past 30+ years. All I did was inquire as to why my thread, and apparently other threads have been pulled, and am trying to figure out why. I have not had much time to participate on these forums lately, as year end accounting and other business hasn't allowed it.

    As my most time consuming business is being finalized to be sold right now, I had hoped to be able to participate more in the near future. However, it seems that there is some kind of strange (and very questionable in my mind) type of censorship involved here, and I simply do not care to participate in an open forum where folks are mandated as to what they can, and what they can not, discuss. Especially if it is directly related to our hobby and our business and is openly being discussed in all of the numismatic press, on other coin forums, and on dealer teletype networks on a daily basis.

    Whether any issue has any direct involvement or not, with the folks who run this forum, and by they not allowing certain controversial issues to be discussed, it reaks of survival induced censorship. Why would anyone want to discuss anything under those conditions?

    Sorry, I'll spend my time elsewhere where free thinking folks get the opportunity to learn and discuss and both sides of important issues. Now! Line up and talk this way, or line up and walk this way. Whew! See ya.

  • Bye bye. We hardly knew ye. Then again, maybe BobaFett is right, and we knew you quite well. Methinks thee protested too much.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,203 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who do I look like ? Rodney Dangerfield ?...
    Crapola dude, what's the haps with that ? .........I was the first one to respond to your post here. Did you answer my NUMISMATIC question ? I don't think so. You didn't even thank me for responding or acknowledge my existence. Now you are leaving ? Even after I told ya not to take it personal ? Then you launch a verbal attack on the place .... really now !
    My mom always taught me if you ain't part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Maybe you ought to PROOF READ your short visit.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish !
    I had hoped to be able to participate more in the near future. However, it seems that there is some kind of strange (and very questionable in my mind) type of censorship involved here, and I simply do not care to participate in an open forum where folks are mandated as to what they can, and what they can not, discuss....

    ~U.S. COIN FORUM ~

    now what did you wish to discuss ?

    I'd like to see Mitch and Samuel back.... at least they didn't complain and only questioned the appropriateness of a certain post...but this picture fits here a lot better than over there.

    Your friend in coins and life,



  • << <i>A few days ago I posted some humor towards one of the marketing ploys that some dealers use to retail coins and now the thread has vanished. I know it was posted here as I looked at it once after I put it out there. Someone said my thread might get "pulled" off of this forum because I may have hit a "sore spot" with the powers to be. Is this possible? >>

    No. The mods and their bosses here are as even-tempered and fair bunch as you can imagine.
  • 53BKid53BKid Posts: 2,174 ✭✭✭
    Golly Gee!
  • CaptHenwayCaptHenway Posts: 31,984 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Well, first off I have never been thrown off of this forum, and any coin forums or other open forums that I have participated in over the past 30+ years. All I did was inquire as to why my thread, and apparently other threads have been pulled, and am trying to figure out why. I have not had much time to participate on these forums lately, as year end accounting and other business hasn't allowed it.

    As my most time consuming business is being finalized to be sold right now, I had hoped to be able to participate more in the near future. However, it seems that there is some kind of strange (and very questionable in my mind) type of censorship involved here, and I simply do not care to participate in an open forum where folks are mandated as to what they can, and what they can not, discuss. Especially if it is directly related to our hobby and our business and is openly being discussed in all of the numismatic press, on other coin forums, and on dealer teletype networks on a daily basis.

    Whether any issue has any direct involvement or not, with the folks who run this forum, and by they not allowing certain controversial issues to be discussed, it reaks of survival induced censorship. Why would anyone want to discuss anything under those conditions?

    Sorry, I'll spend my time elsewhere where free thinking folks get the opportunity to learn and discuss and both sides of important issues. Now! Line up and talk this way, or line up and walk this way. Whew! See ya. >>

    Sounds like somebody familiar with the TPG process.
    Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.

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