Home PCGS Set Registry Forum

OK, Enough with the mercs, Who is in the Morgan registries?

You Mercury people (alll 1,296,483 of you) need your own forum.

Who here is in the Morgan Dollar registry? Any of them (aren't there like 5 now including special sets?) Please post a link your set.

Anyone want to guess which one is mine?



I'm done with the Early S set (still looking for 2 upgrades, 78s 66, 82s 67, and possibly 80s in 68), my next task is to build another Early S set, all DMPL's. Going for 78s 64dm, 79s 65dm, 80s 67dm (hopefully) , 81s 65dm, 82s 64dm. Then Morgan MM Type (still need 21d in 65/66, and hoping to upgrade my CC to a 66).


  • MarkMark Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭✭✭
    We Mercury people not only need our own forum, we deserve our own forum so that we don't have to associate with you Morgan dollar riff-raff!!!image


  • Morgan dollars? You mean people actually collect those ugly beasts? image
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,419 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are They Coins or Just Silver Slugs?? Whats this Guy doing in OUR Territory!! Back to the So-Called Big Board Kyle.imageimage
  • Aw, don't go too hard on the guy. At least he puts up images of his coins. And they look pretty nice too...
  • What's a Morgan Dollar?image

    My Dimes

    << If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
  • Hey, if you guys don't get your own forum, can you at least stay on your own thread?image

  • Carl, thanks. The coins are nice. Would you belive I got every piece in that set from the same person? I think Dragon deserve some credit there.

  • MarkMark Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Re your comment about staying off this thread. In my opinion, as one of many Merc collectors,


    P.S.: The reference above might be obscure, especially for people who do not have a lot of time to waste. Fortunately, I do have time to waste--or something like that... Anyway, check out the link for the reference and be prepared for something really bizzare: Link (The Harvard mirror works well for me.)

  • Talk about time to waste, how long was that thing?


    Man, just when I thought that had faded away back into obscurity, you have to bring it back up. image
  • PQpeacePQpeace Posts: 4,799 ✭✭✭
    I think us Morgan collectors need our own forum...
    How do we do it ?

    I love mercs also..have a 34-45 set unc..but not slabbed.
    Larry Shapiro Rare Coins - LSRC
    POB 854
    Temecula CA 92593
    310-541-7222 office
    310-710-2869 cell

    PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
    Baltimore July 14-17
    Chicago August 11-15
  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello everyone! My name is Dennis Halladay, and I am a Morganaholic out here in southern ("when is winter going to start?") California. Please, I need help! I'm also fooling around trying to build a date set of 17th century talers, with the bonus difficulty of putting them into PCGS holders. Seven dates down so far, and just 93 to go. (Yes, that is as insane as it sounds.)

    After once being on the first page of the Set Registry listings for Morgans, I've been blitzed and re-blitzed down to 13th. My only hope is if and when the comprehensive set with varieties category goes live: I already have them all. That includes the three new micro-O dates PCGS identifies now, but haven't been added to the set registry listings yet. (Those of you who decide to go after the varieties, too, are in fora BIG surprise! Better get the aspirin ready!!)

    I've been "listening in" on this board for several months, but haven't been compelled to join in until the most excellent idea of having a Morgan dollar bulletin board was raised. Larry, I'm with you! Sign me up!!
    When in doubt, don't.
  • "I think us Morgan collectors need our own forum... How do we do it?"

    First, I would think that you would need at least more than one thread goin'! image LOL

    I feel a new Mercs thread comin' on any time now! image



    Winged Liberty and
    FULL Heads RULE!
  • Larry,

    I'm with you. Let's figure out how to make it happen. I understand you merc guys, it is a great series but the morganites need to work on developing our forum. Larry, lead the way.


    GC's Dmpl Morgans
  • PQpeacePQpeace Posts: 4,799 ✭✭✭
    Hey Dennis !


    Since you are the new guy,why don't you start the thread that asks for our own forum ? image

    Larry Shapiro Rare Coins - LSRC
    POB 854
    Temecula CA 92593
    310-541-7222 office
    310-710-2869 cell

    PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
    Baltimore July 14-17
    Chicago August 11-15
  • Not nice Larry - Throwing the new guy to the wolves. I am working on this Morgan thing also with an expectation to complete it in AU/MS by mid november 2038 with luck and a winning lottery number.

    Welcomen Dennis. Watch out for those morgans though. I have come to believe that there should be a local support group and government funded research to find a cure.

    Yesterday I believe I had the #50 current circulation strike set but 12 hours later, I have dropped again to 52nd. I am having trouble competing with Larry's second set let alone his first.
    I have the #16 S Mint set but should be somewhat nearer to a 11th place if I can find a nicer 82S to put in.
    An my MM Type set is 11th with some room for upward movement in the near future.

    What will kill a thread faster than a reply from Ritchie?
  • If you're really nice to the Merc people, they go away. Or if you collect Type, you can threaten to buy off all their upgrades. image


    I really like the pics of your Morgans. I wish that more of the top sets would add these in, or have someone do it for them. It's great that someone has a #1 set, but if you can't share it with anyone, what's the point?

    Keith ™

  • Yes. we mercury people NEED our oun board!!!!!!! Mercury FB collectors are the cream of the crop in coin collecting!!! Every newbie collects morgans--have class and collect mercury dimes!
  • bennybravobennybravo Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭
    Welcome Dennis! I just received the one I bought from you today, and it's a beauty.imageI'm right on your heels Ritchie.image
  • hehe I'm a noob and collect Dimes image
  • Yes, I like the Morgan $1s. As I completed my set, I realized my other interests were suffering.
    So I sold and as selling most commons and better dates. Decided to keep and upgrade the
    CCs and several toned pieces while working on completing the Early Dollar and Early Half Dollar sets.

    DMPLs do make me happy. But there is nothing like a beautiful flowing hair or bust dollar.
  • BRdudeBRdude Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    I've got 11 slabbed ones I am thinking about registering. I haven't even been over to the registries in a while to see what is new. What would eleven put it at about 1/10th completed??imageimage I am waiting for some (5) to get to pcgs right now, but I don't expect anything real exciting, just a few harder 63's and 64's I had raw and didn't want to buy againimage Good luck to all, and you know, you just gotta love the Merc guys, they are a blast to keep up with, even if they do like those skinney little silver rounds. image I mean, they have to be slab collectors cause there is hardly a coin thereimageimageimage
    AKA kokimoki
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