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93'-97' sp rcs wanted (football)

want any and all foil rcs from $.50 to $30
really need bettis,bledsoe,martin rcs

please pm me with what you have

i will trade in your favor but if you want any baseball from my site i'll trade way in your favor.
wanted- 86/87 fleer basketball psa 8's and 03' ud patch collection football #'s 139,149
oh yea...jbuggs and JRCCRUM are skum/bags


  • samsgirl214samsgirl214 Posts: 2,074 ✭✭
    i have a 96 sp #5 eddie george bv 15..may have others..will have to check later tonight, heading out to work..pm me..thanks
  • I have the Terrell Owens BV $20 and the Stephen Davis BV $15

    PLMK thanks,
    My Cards

    CU References: 65 and counting

  • i have a 93 drew bledsoe # 9 rc foil

    looking for manning,E james,kittner,ramsey,curr
  • chayne2chayne2 Posts: 888
    hey steve-
    check my site
    gordonrules- i really need it if it's in good shape
    wanted- 86/87 fleer basketball psa 8's and 03' ud patch collection football #'s 139,149
    oh yea...jbuggs and JRCCRUM are skum/bags
  • chayne2chayne2 Posts: 888
    wanted- 86/87 fleer basketball psa 8's and 03' ud patch collection football #'s 139,149
    oh yea...jbuggs and JRCCRUM are skum/bags
  • Gordon, you HAVE to keep it (you just got it from me) image
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
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