Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins


This is a great coin with nice details, date and attractive steel grey toning with glossy obverse surfaces and a nice golden halo toning around both rims and minimal contact marks. Unfortunately, the slab has a crack in a terrible position, a little over an inch long right through the center of the front. I GUARANTEE THAT THE STRUCTURE OF THE SLAB IS SOLID AND IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM HAS THE COIN BEEN ALTERED OR REPLACED)
Asking ONLY $950 with $10 for priority shipping and insurance!! FIRM for Paypal GIFT or nonfee paypal, check or money order. Add 3% for regular papal. I have sold high value gold lots to several members here, including mkman123. To compare with guide prices: Numismedia Retail: $1325. wholesale, $1125. PCGS 1500...so I am basically selling this for VF money.

All coins kept in safety deposit box.


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