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Just received my NJ bean results.

fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
Here are the results.

1. 1936 Silver Commemoratives Gettysburg PCGS MS64 Passed 1
2. 1907 $10 Gold Indian No Motto PCGS MS61 Passed 1
3. 1907 $10 Gold Indian No Motto PCGS MS61 Passed 1
4. 1907 $10 Gold Indian No Motto PCGS MS61 Passed 1
5. 1906 $5 Gold Liberty With Motto PCGS MS60 Not CAC 1
6. 1904 $20 Gold Liberty Type 3 PCGS MS61 Exceeded 1
7. 1907 $20 Gold Liberty Type 3 Liberty PCGS MS61 Exceeded 1

1.1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
2. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
3. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
4. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS63RB Passed 1
5. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
6. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
7. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Exceeded 1
8. 1909-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Not CAC 1
9. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
10. 1908-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Not CAC 1
11. 1909-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
12. 1909-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
13. 1909-S Small Cent Indian Bronze PCGS MS64RB Passed 1
14. 1938-D Half Dollars Walking Liberty PCGS MS64 Passed 1
15. 1938-D Half Dollars Walking Liberty PCGS MS64 Not CAC 1
16. 1938-D Half Dollars Walking Liberty PCGS MS64 Passed 1
17. 1938-D Half Dollars Walking Liberty PCGS MS64 Passed 1
18. 1938-D Half Dollars Walking Liberty PCGS MS63 Passed 1
19. 1938-D Half Dollars Walking Liberty PCGS MS64 Not CAC 1
20. 1938-D Half Dollars Walking Liberty PCGS MS64 Passed 1


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