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WTB or trade junk silver for: Fine (or thereabouts) raw wheat cents

Title says it all. I'm trying to knock some cheap holes out of my circulated wheat cent collection. I'd ideally like to get most or all of these from one person. I'd like them in problem-free (no cleaning, verdigris, or spotting if you please) Fine (+/- a grade letter) condition. I'm just looking for honest, circulated wheaties.

If you've got all or many of these, PM me with what you've got AND your total price. If you want, offer me a money price or what you'll take in junk silver. I'm not interesting in haggling much or PMing back-and-forth for days over these, so please just include your asking price in your first PM. In exchange, I promise a reasonably quick yes-or-no response. These are cheap coins, so let's not make work out of this! image

Want List:

1920 S
1921 S
1922 D
1923 S
1925 D
1926 S

1931 D
1932 D
1933 D
1938 S
1939 D


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