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Postal scores for 2006

Just for fun, let's see where the good mail service is, and where the bad service is. Where have you had good luck or bad luck in receiving packages from abroad, during the last year???

For me, I got packages from the following countries:

Macedonia ( I got 1 out of 1, but it was registered, which greatly increases the odds of receiving it)
Croatia (I got 3 out 3, only 1 was registered)
Bosnia (I got 3 out of 3, none registered)
Serbia (I got about 10, didn't lose any)
Slovenia (I got 2 out of 2, but both were from the same seller, and he ships from across the border in Austria)
Austria (I got 1 out of 1, not registered)
Germany (I got 5 out of 5, 2 were registered)
Italy (I got 1 out of 1, registered)
Belgium (I got 3 out of 4 image *wasn't registered)
Netherlands (I got 5 out of 5)
Canada (I got 3 out of 5 image ) (1 of the 2 I didn't get was returned to the seller for some strange reason, and he chose to refund my full purchase price including shipping, rather than attempt a second mailing)
UK (too many to count, didn't lose any)
US (too many to count, lost one image *not registered) had one get lost for about 2 weeks (seller used tracking number, according to USPS web-site, it arrived in my post office on Oct 17, finally got it delivered on Nov. 3)
I'm not afraid to die
I'm afraid to be alive without being aware of it



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