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Anaconda Rare Coins.com - Winners Announced! - Keep Buying Coins until Monday to Test to System! - 1

The Deal:

Until Monday Morning July 10th, 2006, I will be debugging the NEW checkout/invoicing system I've coded for AnacondaRareCoins.com.

Aaaaaaaaaaannnd. The best way to debug the system is to have as many people as possible trying it out, trying to bust it, reporting the errors they encounter, and simply providing constructive criticism.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go through buying as many coins as possible from our inventory? No spending limit, no wife reminding you of Timmy's college fund. Here is your chance to have some fun. Our website is now open to those who want to help us debug our new feature and to have fun while doing it.

The Prize:

There's also a little added treat. There are two coins I've randomly selected as "special" coins. They may look pretty common and may not stick out as much as some of our monsters but a prize awaits those who are the first to get these "special" coins on their invoice. What's the prize? A cool $35 bucks! Additionally, another $35 prize will go to the user who generated the most number of invoices. image

How to Participate:

1. Log onto our website at www.AnacondaRareCoins.com or simply go to the My Anaconda Log-In Page, register and get started adding items to your cart and completing checkout.

2. Click on either the "View Cart" link at the top right or the "My Anaconda Log-In" below the left navigational links and follow the directions.

3. Add items to your cart by browsing the website and clicking on the "Add to Cart" button on the full coin detail pages. (not the category pages).

4. Follow through checkout where you have the option to print the invoice and you recieve notification of a sale in your email.

5. Click on the "View Coins Purchased" to view your invoices and coins purchased.

6. Report back to me with any bugs, defects, imperfections, annoyances, constructive criticisms, compliments, or complains.

7. Try logging off and back in a couple of times to see if it causes any errors.

8. Repeat steps 3-7 until groggy and tired of debugging our new feature. image

Da Rules:

1. One prize per person (if someone both of the special coins and/or has the most invoices, they only get one of the prizes).

2. Prizes will be shipped in the mail to the address you sign up with to participate in our little debugging party. So, if you sign up with a false address, you don't get no cash.

3. If you really do want to buy a coin on our website during this debugging period, I suggest you use our eBay store (image Never thought I'd say that) or simply give me a call. (Note: You will most likely get the coin cheaper if you call me. image )

4. I reserve the right to relist coins that people have pseudo-bought during the debugging process.

5. Nobody who purchases anything this weekend via our website www.anacondararecoins.com will be responsible for paying for them and likewise, we are not obligated to deliver them.

6. I'm expecting to find at least a few big bugs during this contest so if our website crashes, good for you! That's why I'm having this little get together. I would only consider this contest a failure if no errors were found.

7. I'm sure I'll think of more later.

I've determined who the winners were for this little debugging contest.

Doug McClellan - 1904 $20 NGC MS64 Ultra PQ Liberty Double Eagle
Glen Booker - 1828 10c NGC MS61 Capped Bust Dime, JR-1, 'Small Date'
Shane Miller - Most # of Invoices at 87

I will send out your prizes on Monday.

I have relisted all of the items that were sold and flushed the system of invoices. Feel free to continue buying coins until Monday when I will again flush the system of invoices. I am working on fixing a couple of small bugs that are left.
Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com


  • OKbustchaserOKbustchaser Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All right!!!! I'm goin' shoppin'!!!
    Just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't love to look at a pretty bust.
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>All right!!!! I'm goin' shoppin'!!! >>

    Yeah Baby! That's the Spirit!!! image
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,549 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In case anyone else gets stuck, on the login page where it asks for "UserName" (at the moment), it really wants the email address you registered with...
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>In case anyone else gets stuck, on the login page where it asks for "UserName" (at the moment), it really wants the email address you registered with... >>

    Your wish is my command.....Poof! Done!
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    Has this been approved by stman? image
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    Tried to check-out and got The page cannot be displayed


    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • WWWWWW Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭
    When you log out, the side bar still displays: Log-Out of My Anaconda
    It would look better if it changed to: Log-In to My Anaconda
    Very minor detail, however.
  • CrackoutCrackout Posts: 1,367 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I tried to purchase four coins that totaled $10,257 and got this when I hit "Complete Checkout":


    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,21767038);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,60063702);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,181830306);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,171603030);

    SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='21789481';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9405585';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='22097088';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9871499'; error '80020009'
    /my_anaconda/checkout_b.asp, line 121
  • coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,484 ✭✭✭
    Brandon, here's a bug I found (and a gripe I have) - I tried to include a message to you and it was rejected for some reason. The message I attempted to send follows below:

    i offered you $650 for the coin the other day and didn't hear back from you. you either wanted the $650 or not. you put it out there for everone to see, so at the last second someone will bid $603 and get the coin. if thats what you would do to me; i dont want to do business with you. my offer was more than fair for this coin. check the price guides all of them, and you see i offered more than it is listed for anywhere. either accept my offer in 24 hours or i withdraw my offer. i am not trying to be a jagoff. think about what i said.

    thanks and i hope we have a deal:

    xxxxx - name withheld.

  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    After getting kicked out during checkout, I logged back in and it's calling me Jonathan Brecher from MA image

    Does this mean Jonathan will pay for my coins?

    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Brandon, here's a bug I found (and a gripe I have) - I tried to include a message to you and it was rejected for some reason. The message I attempted to send follows below:

    i offered you $650 for the coin the other day and didn't hear back from you. you either wanted the $650 or not. you put it out there for everone to see, so at the last second someone will bid $603 and get the coin. if thats what you would do to me; i dont want to do business with you. my offer was more than fair for this coin. check the price guides all of them, and you see i offered more than it is listed for anywhere. either accept my offer in 24 hours or i withdraw my offer. i am not trying to be a jagoff. think about what i said.

    thanks and i hope we have a deal:

    xxxxx - name withheld. >>

    BWAHAHAHAHA! image I think you're trying to be a jagoff!

    BTW, I got the same SQL error on the checkout_b page.

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    Perhaps you should try it once first to see if actually works before going into beta mode?
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • CrackoutCrackout Posts: 1,367 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am also being called Jonathan Brecher - better get this fixed - it's showing his personal info as well!
  • LeeGLeeG Posts: 12,162

    << <i>After getting kicked out during checkout, I logged back in and it's calling me Jonathan Brecher from MA >>

    Same here. Tried a different coin with same result. Got a "Page cannot be displayed" error also. Was trying to purchase two different Conneticut Commem's.
  • WWWWWW Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭
    Click on: Forgot Your Password?
    And you get: Page Cannot Be Found.
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>After getting kicked out during checkout, I logged back in and it's calling me Jonathan Brecher from MA image

    Does this mean Jonathan will pay for my coins?

    imageimage >>

    Yeah, that was a HUGE bug! That's what I get for not including a WHERE clause for the update info at checkout process. It overwrote all user information with one specific user's information. I deleted all of the registered user's information.

    Give about 2 mintues for me to download, edit, and re-upload the database real quick and then please go back in and fill out correct information if your information is now blank.
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>Click on: Forgot Your Password?
    And you get: Page Cannot Be Found. >>

    Yup, that page hasn't been made yet. image Thanks.
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,549 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the heads up! My personal info isn't quite so personal any more...

  • MillertimeMillertime Posts: 2,048 ✭✭

    << <i>I tried to purchase four coins that totaled $10,257 and got this when I hit "Complete Checkout":


    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,21767038);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,60063702);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,181830306);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,171603030);

    SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='21789481';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9405585';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='22097088';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9871499'; error '80020009'
    /my_anaconda/checkout_b.asp, line 121 >>

    I also get this kind of error.

  • TWQGTWQG Posts: 3,145 ✭✭
    No free silver eagle for my contact info?
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317
    Kind of an unexpected error right now. The database was constantly being accessed while I was updating it causing the web to crash. YIPPEE! We succeeded. Anyway, I'm uploading a mirror that should fix the error and we can go on our merry way.
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,549 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Some first impressions:

    Need a useful message if someone hits a bogus inventory item (or a redirect to somewhere more useful).

    Example: http://www.anacondararecoins.com/inventory_showmore.asp?cert=4030160 currently returns a page that says:

    error '80020009'
    /inventory_showmore.asp, line 5

    User system should be able to remember different bill-to and ship-to addresses

    On the checkout page (http://www.anacondararecoins.com/my_anaconda/checkout_a.asp), it lists payment method for me as "credit". If I click the adjacent Change link, the payment method popup on that page lists both "credit" and "Credit Card". Should be consistent in usage and only list one.

    PayPal needs to have an internal capital (lots of places -- I see 5 on the Checkout page http://www.anacondararecoins.com/my_anaconda/checkout_a.asp)

    There doesn't seem to be any link from the login page (http://www.anacondararecoins.com/my_anaconda/index.asp) that will take you back to the main page

    The login page should set a cookie and auto-populate your email address. It should also provide an option for remembering your password, although I personally wouldn't use that.
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>Some first impressions:

    Need a useful message if someone hits a bogus inventory item (or a redirect to somewhere more useful).

    Example: http://www.anacondararecoins.com/inventory_showmore.asp?cert=4030160 currently returns a page that says:

    error '80020009'
    /inventory_showmore.asp, line 5

    Yeah, that error occurred from the database being accessed while I was uploading it after deleting all user information cuz of the bug in the update_checkout.asp page that updated all registered user information with a single user's information. I mirrored the database and now it's working fine.

    User system should be able to remember different bill-to and ship-to addresses. I suppose. I havent' really needed that yet but I'll consider it.

    On the checkout page (http://www.anacondararecoins.com/my_anaconda/checkout_a.asp), it lists payment method for me as "credit". If I click the adjacent Change link, the payment method popup on that page lists both "credit" and "Credit Card". Should be consistent in usage and only list one. Yes, Credit = Credit Card. It's stored in the system as the word "Credit" and automatically puts that as the first choice. I should retain consistency between them and will fix that.

    PayPal needs to have an internal capital (lots of places -- I see 5 on the Checkout page http://www.anacondararecoins.com/my_anaconda/checkout_a.asp) Sorry. I just don't have much respect for paypal. image JK. I'll fix that but it's not a priority.

    There doesn't seem to be any link from the login page (http://www.anacondararecoins.com/my_anaconda/index.asp) that will take you back to the main page. Yes, the link of the 3 coins at the top left just refreshes the page. That is also another bug that's not a huge priority.

    The login page should set a cookie and auto-populate your email address. It should also provide an option for remembering your password, although I personally wouldn't use that. That is a very low priority and I discourage anyone to use "autofill" on these types of forms. >>

    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • Are you going to charge me postage if I win the prize too?
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    Are you going to send Jonathan MY prize?

    BTW - I can't log in anymore image
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>Are you going to send Jonathan MY prize?

    BTW - I can't log in anymore image >>

    Sorry. I had to delete all of the registered information. image

    What happened was when Johnathan clicked to updated his information on the checkout page, it overwrote every user's registered information with his own. Because I did not specify a "WHERE user_id="Session("user_id")" in the SQL statement.

    That bug is now fixed. My sincerest apologies Jonathan.

    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • I believe I received the same message quite a few people received. It's a shame too because I had quite a few beauties on there.


    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,60063702);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,10040689);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,192755907);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,9405585);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,205330801);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,3341681);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,21767038);

    SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='21789481';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9405585';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='22097088';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9871499'; error '80020009'
    /my_anaconda/checkout_b.asp, line 122
    can't get enough!!!
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>I believe I received the same message quite a few people received. It's a shame too because I had quite a few beauties on there.


    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,60063702);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,10040689);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,192755907);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,9405585);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,205330801);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,3341681);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (29,21767038);

    SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='21789481';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9405585';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='22097088';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='9871499'; error '80020009'
    /my_anaconda/checkout_b.asp, line 122 >>

    Bug 95% fixed.

    Problem - coin cannot be found in the webdata table so when I tried to pull the information about the coin to print it out in both the emails and the invoices, exception occurred. I just included an error catcher which checks to see if the recordset is empty before printing out the data. Jeez, it feels like I made a rookie error. image

    Now, I simply have to find out which coins it is NOT finding in the database but are appearing on the web with cert numbers being pulled directly out of the database where checkout_b says it can't find them. image
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,549 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Need a useful message if someone hits a bogus inventory item (or a redirect to somewhere more useful).

    Example: http://www.anacondararecoins.com/inventory_showmore.asp?cert=4030160 currently returns a page that says:

    error '80020009'
    /inventory_showmore.asp, line 5

    Yeah, that error occurred from the database being accessed while I was uploading it after deleting all user information cuz of the bug in the update_checkout.asp page that updated all registered user information with a single user's information. I mirrored the database and now it's working fine.

    Nope, behavior unchanged. Check out the actual link that I used: http://www.anacondararecoins.com/inventory_showmore.asp?cert=4030160
  • jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,657 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When I went to checkout, it didnt bring back up my purchases and invoice?

    also, a coin that I had grabbed out of inventory, is still showing availability to purchase.

    !!!Your photos, and close up's are outstanding!!!!!
  • MikeInFLMikeInFL Posts: 10,188 ✭✭✭✭
    I got to checkout, after entering your entire inventory in my basket and got this error:

    Verify Items, Shipping, and Payment Information

    Shipping Address: (Change)

    ADODB.Field error '80020009'

    Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

    /my_anaconda/checkout_a.asp, line 0

    Collector of Large Cents, US Type, and modern pocket change.
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>When I went to checkout, it didnt bring back up my purchases and invoice?

    also, a coin that I had grabbed out of inventory, is still showing availability to purchase.

    !!!Your photos, and close up's are outstanding!!!!! >>


    I know what the problem is. For some reason, when my recordset is pulling in the 2nd degree loop of the invoice producing field, it's pulling the cert number as an integer when it's actually text. I think this has to do with asp's functionality of dynamic type variables where it automatically assigns the variable's mermory allocation as text,integer,double, ect based on what value it is first assigned. It naturally drops all leading zeros of integers so voila, it doesn't find it when it looks back in the system for it. I'm working on this right now.
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • MikeInFLMikeInFL Posts: 10,188 ✭✭✭✭
    Also, the "forgot your password" page gets a 404.
    Collector of Large Cents, US Type, and modern pocket change.
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>Also, the "forgot your password" page gets a 404. >>

    Fixed. Sort of image
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • zrlevinzrlevin Posts: 734 ✭✭✭
    Worked fine for me!
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm doing my best to create an expensive mess.
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    worked OK for me.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • MillertimeMillertime Posts: 2,048 ✭✭
    I picked paypal as preferred payment method at first then when I went to change it to payment plan it would show up as laway after updating info.

  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (57,39874604);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (57,21445478);

    SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='39874604';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='21445478';INSERT INTO invoices VALUES (57,29,False,'other',#7/7/2006#,False);

    UPDATE webdata SET sold=TRUE, show_on_web=False, archived=True, date_sold='7/7/2006', on_approval_with='INV#: 57 - Me WHERE cert='39874604';

    DELETE FROM shopping_cart WHERE cert='39874604';
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The search key was not found in any record.

    /my_anaconda/checkout_b.asp, line 228
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • MillertimeMillertime Posts: 2,048 ✭✭
    Another nice option would be that when you logout there's a link to log back in instead of going through one of the other links.

  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>I picked paypal as preferred payment method at first then when I went to change it to payment plan it would show up as laway after updating info.

    Millertime >>

    Yes, that is a direct result of my trying to make the drop down box more readible. In the system, it gets stored as "layaway" and is displayed as "Payment Plan" in the drop down box. I need to correct it to say in the system what it says in the dropdown box. They are essentially the same. It was just a poor way of me displaying two terms meaning the same thing.
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,487 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Worked without problems for me, plus I finally got to purchase that 1832 half dime! I like the improvements to the site.
  • StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Haven't found much wrong yet - when I click on the "View Printable Inventory Listings" link, it sends me to:

    Newsletter/Printable Inventory

    The only issue there is there is a graphic on the upper right missing that just says connecting to when you try to force the viewing, which just times out.

    "You Suck Award" - February, 2015

    Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>57

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (57,39874604);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (57,21445478);

    SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='39874604';SELECT * FROM webdata where cert='21445478';INSERT INTO invoices VALUES (57,29,False,'other',#7/7/2006#,False);

    UPDATE webdata SET sold=TRUE, show_on_web=False, archived=True, date_sold='7/7/2006', on_approval_with='INV#: 57 - Me WHERE cert='39874604';

    DELETE FROM shopping_cart WHERE cert='39874604';
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The search key was not found in any record.

    That's a new one for me. It seems that it can't find the item to delete. Might be an anomaly caused by my switching back and fourth between mirrored and master databases. I figured that would cause a problem.

    I am about to flush the system of ALL coin purchases since the biggest bugs we encountered are now fixed. This should fix any of the "lost record" anomalies.

    /my_anaconda/checkout_b.asp, line 228 >>

    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>Haven't found much wrong yet - when I click on the "View Printable Inventory Listings" link, it sends me to:

    Newsletter/Printable Inventory

    The only issue there is there is a graphic on the upper right missing that just says connecting to when you try to force the viewing, which just times out. >>

    Y'all are great. I didn't even catch that when we changed IP addresses.

    I can't say how much I appreciate everyone here helping me weed out these bugs.
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe this is standard business practice - I've never bought anything from you for real, but I just did a 10 coin 50k or so order, and shipping was only $12.00?

    Is Insurance considered included in the purchase price, and shipping is a one time flat-fee or is the database forgetting something?

    "You Suck Award" - February, 2015

    Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101
  • poorguypoorguy Posts: 4,317

    << <i>Maybe this is standard business practice - I've never bought anything from you for real, but I just did a 10 coin 50k or so order, and shipping was only $12.00?

    Is Insurance considered included in the purchase price, and shipping is a one time flat-fee or is the database forgetting something? >>

    Flat Fee Shipping Cost of $12.

    Needless to say it costs us more to ship these coins but we just chalk up that cost and deduct it from the margin. I feel that customers deserve a break on shipping if it's gonna cost alot to insure anyway. image
    Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com
  • Brandon, please tell me that you didn't sell my coins!!! It's not my fault your system crashed!!! LOL

    Good luck on the debugging!! Lot of people willing to help here. I hope we're not overloading you!
    can't get enough!!!
  • MillertimeMillertime Posts: 2,048 ✭✭
    I received the following error when I selected these 2 coins to purchase. I've gone through about 20 invoices without a problem.

    1924 $1 NGC MS64 Toned Lustrous Peace Dollar 250743613
    1904-O $1 ANACS MS65 Toned Morgan Dollar WD2775


    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (86,250743613);

    INSERT INTO invoice_bridge VALUES (86,WD2775);

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

    /my_anaconda/checkout_b.asp, line 37
  • StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Somebody go add this to their cart and checkout, I want to see if it correctly removes it from my shopping cart since I haven't checked out yet:

    1899-S 50c NGC MS66 White & Lustrous Barber Half 172577605

    Brandon - the only pet peeve I've seen so far is when I add something to the cart, and I want to keep shopping, the only option is the "Back to our Inventory" Yes, I can click the categories on the left, or do another search, but if I was already in a search, I wish there was some sort of "Return to where you came from" type of option - I always hated using the back button while doing e-commerce.


    "You Suck Award" - February, 2015

    Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101

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