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Don't know if it's just fatigue from being over-worked

..... or getting even for all this "bagging" that has the graders up in arms, but I sure have noticed that a lot of people are sorely disappoited in their results as of late. JMHO, but I think I'd just stop submitting for a while until they get caught up and rested! It's comparable to battle fatigue...being in a "target rich environment" After all -they are human beings and are surely overworked. 15 day "GUARANTEED" service means nothing! Coins sent in under this so-called "guarantee" back on 12-9,supposedly received a week later on the 16th yet my tracking says otherwise-ARE STILL NOT BACK! (So what if you had two holidays and a major show! Counting the Holidays AND the days AFTER the holidays-the weekends AND the show, 35 calendar days is a far cry from 3 five day work weeks) Oh, they're ready and supposedly they were shipped on the 19th...at least that's what the computer says-but you see...there's just one small problem with that date ,1-19-04-THE USPS WAS OFF FOR A NATIONAL HOLIDAY!...."opinions" of stressed/ over-worked graders, bold face lying by the front office and I suppose we're to believe that EVERY person-EVERY grader shut it down to go to the FUN show. Why doesn't managemant just come clean and admit the truth...why doesn't management, that brought all this on themselves, just admit that Registry Competition-crossovers etc.... the bottom line being methods to generate more revenue, has backfired? They have created this monster-this dilemna and it needs to be addressed rather than feeble attempts at rationalizing. All these crossovers will effect population and inevitably what was a rare coin's worth back down to "normalcy" and for us -a loss in "worth"! How about some cold, harsh reality. What should be done with all this revenue that was and is being generated by this "bottleneck" is simple...EXPANSION. Hire and TRAIN more graders... add on a new wing -double the work force in proportion to the work load before it's too late and people have enough of long waiting and empty guarantees. Makes total sense to me. Wake up and smell the coffee! Ya got a problem-one that you created....FIX IT, before you lose credibility and inevitably your members who-oh,by the way- just so happen to actually BE PCGS! WE ARE PCGS! Please address this situation, PCGS, for us and for yourselves as all this hot air and worthless guarantees just ain't gettin' it done. And to think, not so very long ago, I believed in this company so very much that at a packed coin show I was prepared to have it out with some blowhard that blabbed nothing but bad things about PCGS. This is STILL the best grading service around-mistakes in grading and all...SAVE IT BEFORE IT IMPLODES!! I am not out to BASH or BAG this company...quite the contrary is true..I am saying these things with the hopes that SOMEBODY will wake up and grab the Bull by the horns! AMEN!


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