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Economy: 65 BUSINESS Days???? (ouch)

We all know PCGS has updated their site to notify Economy submitters the estimated turn around is approximately 65 days but when I called today, I was told it was 65 BUSINESS days not 65 CALENDAR days...and 65 business days is 13 weeks - 3 Months!

How funny (in a cynical sense) that we as submitters, seem to be right back where we were last year with extremely lengthy turn around times. I submitted my coins when David Hall posted that times were decreased to 45 days (subsequently 40 days) but looks like its still going to be 65 business days (my submission is currently 60 at calendar days / 32 business days given Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years, Baltimore and FUN days removed). And lets cross off 4 more days next week for Long Beach. Hmmmm.... 38 more business days means about March 23rd which is only 4 months calendar days. Gee whiz........ image
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!


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