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Important IT question about the Heritage website reconfigurations this weekend that may affect some

Although Heritage coin scans can be best described as resolution challenged and/or having pixel deficiency syndrome., I do enjoy their -MY COLLECTION- feature which allows one to store a nice database of one's collection, including prices paid, grading service, dates, photos, label id numbers, market value trends, etc,etc. Its a nice inventory tool for one's collection. I currently have 100% of my collection stored in their database without a hardcopy back up or any packup in writing whatsover. Yes, its stupid., but all of the coins are in my safe deposit box, so if their database ever dies a Kavorkian death, then I can retrieve the coins and spend a day re-entering them, but I won't remember what I paid for them, or any other valuable notes that I made.
My question is this, Why do I get this feeling that is similar to hair rising at the back of my neck that some or all of the data will be corrupted or lost once their "improvements" are made. Am I the only one, is anyone else worried?


  • dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you rely on someone else to take care of your data, but do it for free, you should worry. I was under the impression that they were in the process of moving, and that is why things would be down. I am sure they have backups of all of their data though.
    Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I keep an Excel spreadsheet and original receipts (have 90+% of them) as a backup. I would recommend the same.

    I also enjoy the "My Collection" feature at Heritage. Hopefully, the high school student who runs their IT department will leave this feature unperturbed. I doubt that there will be a problem.

    Good Luck,

    Robert image

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