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Pretty amusing PCGS day.

DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
Today my wife called me to tell me I had a package from PCGS. I though, gee my 12/16 modern must have posted. I ask her to open it, and it's a renewal package with 4 free submissions and an IOU for the 04 ASE. Very cool, except I don't renew until May, and I didn't order a renewal.

I called customer service, and asked why I got it. I was transfered to a young lady (who shall remain nameless image) who said "It looks like you ordered it". I said I didn't, and she said "It's here in the computer. Maybe you did it at a show? Have you been to any?". Sure, I said. I was at FUN, and dropped off a few submissions. She looked and said "yes, it might have been at the show". I said that was strange, because I wasn't up for renewal. She looked and agreed. I asked how it was paid for. She said it looked like cash was collected at the show, but I had used a CC to pay for my submissions, and hadn't given any cash. I asked could it have been charged to my card. She promised to investigate and call me back. I gave her my member#, my daytime phone#, and my name, specifically Don Jr, because my father and son work in the same office and have the same name. "I'll get with accounting and call you back this afternoon", she said.

At about 6:00 EST, I remembered that I hadn't heard back. I called again and asked for the young lady. I told her who I was, and why I was calling, and she said "Oh, now I remember. I forgot to call you back." She said she had talked with accounting, and my invoice was clearly marked with renewal, and that it was from the show, and was cash, but they hadn't sent her a copy. I said "but I don't need to renew", and she said she'd take care of it, and if my credit card had been charged, I should not worry, they'd just credit it. She said they'd voided the submission invoice. I asked if CC payment for one of my invoices could have been diverted. "Maybe, but if it was, accounting will call you for payment." I said fine, but for my benefit, will you call me back and let me know what happened? She said "Sure, your Doug, right?" (I'm Don), and asked for my phone#. image

Tonight for fun I looked at the computer generated invoices and the show invoices, and for the life of me, I can't find a place on the forms for membership renewal. Are any of you who attended FUN and renewed missing a packet? image

C/S, this isn't a b-tch post, but I trust you folks with my coins and CC info. I probably shouldn't post this here on the boards, and I'm really more befuddled than put upon, but I wanted to make sure the folks with the power to affect the process heard unfiltered constructive criticism. Things usually go right, but this was a compound error. I'd have more confidence if I had any clue what happened, or could find out with a phonecall (or two).
Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
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  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Maybe they will charge you for the new 10 year plan!!!
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • PeetiePeetie Posts: 627 ✭✭
    I renewed mine a couple of weeks before Christmas and I haven't got my package, yet. But I didn't go to FUN.
  • I can see no reason for PCGS to be upset with you for recounting your experience today. No matter how well a company is run, problems occur. You post was simply a statment of fact.
    The glass is half full!
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    I got a card on the mail offering me a discount to renew for $89.
    I sent it in and when I called my credit card company the other day there was a new charge for $99 and none for $89 and I had not purchased anything for $99.

    So I try the submission section to see if it gives me a silver level form or not and it gives me a regular one for paid membership so someone did something.

    Then I try the online pop report but that say's I don't have a paid subscription.

    Hehe waiting to get my credit card statement then I will call.
  • ElcontadorElcontador Posts: 7,506 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don, these things happen, especially in large organizations. The funniest thing that happened to me a number of years ago was that I bought a coin via auction that didn't look anything like its image (that was before I asked for lot consultations before bidding on anything sight unseen). I didn't like the coin & wanted my $ back. After getting the run-around and speaking with several people, they were good to their word and issued a credit to my card.

    Three weeks later I got a package in the mail. Yes, it was the same coin that I returned for the refund!
    "Vou invadir o Nordeste,
    "Seu cabra da peste,
    "Sou Mangueira......."
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I submitted some last fall - they told me my collectors club had expired and I need to renew before my submission could go any further - so they got another $100 out of me

    I thought maybe you saw PCGS was going to show some slabbed EURO's at long beach, so you were going to go there just to see them
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Tonight for fun I looked at the computer generated invoices and the show invoices, and for the life of me, I can't find a place on the forms for membership renewal. >>

    On the forms I have, there is a place for renewal, labeled "A. COLLECTOR'S CLUB MEMBERSHIP". It's the first item under the order worksheet section on the left side toward the top.

    Russ, NCNE
  • Maybe I should call and say I'm missing my membership pack from the FUN show. I paid cash. image

    I can think of a dozen reasons not to have high capacity magazines, but it's the reasons I haven't thought about that I need them.
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    hey Don

    maybe you should lay off the sauce!!! those blackouts can get very confusing.image

    al h.image

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