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How does a Major show impact the coin industry?

There are four major shows a year. I have been told that these show trend to determine where the coin market is going. Do you agree or disagree? What do you consider a good show or bad show?

Todd Abbey


  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    I n my view, a good show is where collectores can purchase the kinds of coins and in the grade

    that they prefere, also that most collectors have a pleasent time. From the dealers perspective,

    they will make a profit over their high expenses and time invested and more important, pick

    up fresh stock and fill client want lists. Good shows can give some indications as to what

    segments of the collecting world are cold, warm or hot. Finally it is a nice feeling to meet people

    you know and like ,both with collectors and dealers.When you consider the effort that must go into

    producinga great show and the effort dealers must put into traveling accross the country dragging

    their stock and the fatigue of travel and long bourse hours, its amazing to me that it gets done at all.
    There once was a place called

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