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Anybody know of doubling on a 1960 Jefferson

I picked up these displays tonight at an auction I go to on monday nights. there were 4 total sets 1 set didnt have any coins in it the 3 others were all 1960 unc toned. When I got home I started to look at them on 2 of the sets the Jeffersons look like they are doubled, on the wording. I dont know if its strike doubling or what it is. Im working on some pictures of it so you can take a look at them.

So one of many questions. Does anybody know of doubling on 1960 jefferson??? the best doubling I can pick up is on the face it runs along the whole face its is most noticable on the nose.

Yes yes yes I know my picture isnt anywhere near as good as some others can take.

Im unemployed again after 1.5 years with Kittyhawk they let me go. image

My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005


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