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Any dealers setting up at Long Beach that could spare a extra case for me?

I would be willing to pay my way for whatever space you could let me use. If any dealers would like to help out please pm me or respond to this thread and I will contact you.

thank you.


  • ttt
  • Are you sure you want to spend $200-$300 for just one case? You can walk the floor for $6.

  • I would rather people come to me to buy than me go to them to sell. $200-$300 is no big deal.
  • At Long Beach the rules are rather stiff. In order to get a photo ID badge, you must contact the dealer who you are sharing a table with right away so he can put you on the list of accepted dealers at a given table. The dealer gets 2 extra badges for an 8 foot table and 3 extra for a corner. An addition badge costs $75 over the current limit. Again, once you are on the list, you take a photoID and the badge is issued later. Long Beach is very fussy about procedures, so get it done right the first time and Gillio won't get on your case. Good luck.

    PS. sometimes Gillio will set you with another dealer who wants to share a table, call him and ask.

  • truth, thank you for the heads up. I will call him on Monday

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