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Here's a fun contest

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My aunt called me yesterday with this riddle:

"Denise, why are 1993 dollar bills worth more than 1992 dollar bills?"

I was stumped....for a little while. Anyone care to explain?


  • haliguyhaliguy Posts: 587 ✭✭
    just a hunch, but isn't $1993 a dollar more than $1992? image
  • Yea, I've heard that one before. What hali said is correct
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  • depends on how you look at it image

    If you are talking about $1993 and $1992 bills, then yes, $1993 bills are worth more.

    If you are talking about 1992 bills and 1993 bills (years), then I believe inflation went down that year, which allows you to buy more stuff for the dollar, so really...1993 bills would be worth more than 1992 bills in purchasing power image
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  • ARR! I was going to leave it up and let people submit guess, until Zimmy decided to spoil the fun and confirm haliguy's answer. Thanks a lot.
  • lol, im sorry. Didn't realize I was spoiling anything, I thought once someone read hali's answer they would have just cofirmed it
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

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