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Need UD Flight Team Coppers

Let me know...

My cards...
http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.


  • Ive got a jrich copper incoming, if you need it ill let you know when I get it.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • I have a Joe Smith #59 026/125

    looking K. Rush
  • PM sent...image
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • i got a oscar torres #ed to 125
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • Not sure if I need the Oscar...I will check.
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • I've got the copper's numbered out of #/125 of:
    Antonio Davis, Baron Davis, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Kenny Anderson for veterans and Samuel Dalembert, Brendan Haywood, Bobby Simmons, Jeryl Sasser, Rodney White, Zach Randolph (#001/125), DeSagana Diop, and Gilbert Arenas for rookies.
    LMK if you need them via PM.
    Refs: Chayne2, Nash, KG, Jorge, Patsfan925, MCDee2, Autographs, TopofOhio, Ahares, Batman34, Whitetornado, Clearandvalid, Runningman22, TrFstptch, glickman77, Brees9, Woodson24kg, vittleboy, Dpeters28 and more.

    Ebay feedback: 4100+
  • I will send a PM...image
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
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