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Undertaker got the $hit beat out of him...


  • Yes, see, maybe if it was REAL blood and a REAL fight I would care....
    Get out of my rowboat.
    "On and on south of heaven...."
    "Hands on my face overbearing I can't get out"
  • WWE PPV's SUCK! I can't remember the last time they put on a decent one. ECW was da bomb!!! WWE is too predictable with their story lines now. Anyone thinking Kane or Undertaker were going to win don't follow Wrestling enough.
  • How were you so sure? Honestly, let us in on your secret image
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • I knew Kane wouldn't due to the fact they have to build the "murder" angle up. Maybe a rematch at the next PPV.

    ECW was awesome, hardcore as he||. I forget the one black dude's name that jumped of the balcony but it was crazy.

    Might not be a real fight, but real blood it is.
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