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Anyone with Lafrentz or Gooden??

Or other KU players? Also looking for Pierce RCS, nothing low though, like SPx. I will send 1st if needed....

Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

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AOL - lafrentz06
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