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Javascript literate people, I need help with slide menus

Any1 know JavaScript pretty good?
Well I'm tryin to make some slide menu's for a website... where u put the mouse over a word, and slide out menu's go to the side of it... then u can click on one of those... know what I mean?
Kinda like after u click on 'Start' on Windows, and Programs, Documents, etc comes up and when u put the mouse over one of those more menu's come up

Well, I found this code on a website, but it won't work- (I edited it a little, where it says yahoo, ebay, etc)
So what is wrong why it wont work?
Or do u know a code that will work?

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
function loadMenus ()
window.myMenu10a = new Menu("Example 10a");
myMenu10a.addMenuItem("Yahoo", "location='www.yahoo.com'");
myMenu10a.addMenuItem("Ebay", "location='www.ebay.com'");
myMenu10a.addMenuItem("MTV", "location='www.mtv.com'");
myMenu10a.addMenuItem("Amazon", "location='www.amazon.com'");

window.myMenu10b = new Menu("Example 10b");
myMenu10b.addMenuItem("Net Search", "location='http://home.netscape.com/escapes/myMenu10b'");
myMenu10b.addMenuItem("Excite", "location='http://www.excite.com'");
myMenu10b.addMenuItem("Infoseek", "location='http://www.infoseek.com'");
myMenu10b.addMenuItem("Lycos", "location='http://www.lycos.com'");
myMenu10b.addMenuItem("Yahoo", "location='http://www.yahoo.com'");

window.myMenu10c = new Menu("Example 10c");
myMenu10c.addMenuItem("Mozilla.org", "location='http://www.mozilla.org'");
myMenu10c.addMenuItem("Projects", "location='http://www.mozilla.org/projects.html'");
myMenu10c.addMenuItem("Source Code", "location='http://www.mozilla.org/source-code.html'");

myMenu10c.fontColor = white;
myMenu10c.menuItemBgColor = red;
myMenu10c.menuHiliteBgColor = blue;
myMenu10c.bgColor = green;

myMenu10c.prototypeStyles = myMenu10c;

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