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Bust Dimes for sale, all PCGS Graded. AG3-AU53 Tough dates and varieties.

The following coins are for sale. Shipping included. Here is a link to most of the pics on my registry set. PICS I think they are all very nice coins. If you need a pic, let me know. I bought each one because there was something special it had to offer, it wasn't just your run of the mill coin. Sometimes it was a great strike, other times it was because of beautiful coloration or notable surfaces or great luster. I will try to note what I saw in each one in the description. The pics in general are darker than the coin looks in hand, so I would expect you to be pleased when you see the actual coin. Right now I've got prices listed at or near PCGS priceguide. If it seems high or low to you, feel free to offer what you think the coin is worth. I may discount coins in the future if I feel they need to be, but I think you will find the prices reasonable. I offer a reasonable one week return privilege if you are not satisfied. If you're not happy, I'm not!

Remember, the pics are darker than the coin is in reality! I'm not the greatest photographer, sorry.

1821 Large Date, PCGS XF40, $525 Just a nice coin for the grade, above average in all aspects.
1825, PCGS XF40, $550, very nice, a touch dark, great colors, tough to find nice.
---HOLD---1824/2 PCGS VG8 $150 Great low grade original. Wholesome
1827/7, PCGS XF40 $950 So pleasing, great strike, remaining luster, fantastic original light champagne tone, everything I like in a coin (cheaper and higher grade than listed on other dealers sites...a VERY nice example.)
1828 Large Date, PCGS F15 $500 Great original coin, very tough variety to find nice.
1829 Med. 10C, PCGS AU50, Needle sharp! $525 Pleasing irridescent toning. SUPER NICE strike.
1831 PCGS AU50 $475, Strike is on the weaker side, but the luster is AWESOME, I love the surfaces. A lighter coin that has got to be original. I almost never go for close to white coins, but this one has such an amazing skin and original unblemished surfaces that I fell in love!
1832 PCGS AU50, Sweet Colors! $550, Really nice colors, reds greens, blues. A fun coin to look at!
1834, Large 4, PCGS AU50, $595, decent coin for grade good luster, I believe this coin is an R5, I'll have to double check.
1835, PCGS AU53 $525, ORIGINAL
1836, PCGS AU50, $495, decent strike, very pleasing original brownish and ocre coloration.
---HOLD---1837, PCGS AU53 $575 Crazy nice colors and luster, blues and greens, a real treat! Only downside is a single tic on the obverse, easily overlooked to me when you see the colors!


---SOLD---1814 Large Date, PCGS VF25 (looks nicer) $300 Undergraded in my opinion, should be a 35 says me. Nice and original.
---SOLD---1820 Small O, PCGS AU53, $1200 Super cool coin! Color, detail, surfaces. Everything is awesome!
---SOLD---1822 PCGS AG3, $975. Most original coin I could find for the grade. Wholesome, no damage (which is rare at this grade level.)


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