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~ Copper 4 The Weekend™ ~

BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭

1833 White House Hotel, Copper, 29mm Diameter, Plain Edge, Rulau-HT-M35, Rarity-8.

Here’s is the finest condition example known of a very rare token that was unknown to Russell Rulau until about 1999 at which time it was added to his Standard Catalog as an American issue. Since that time it has been shown to be of English origin from Hulme near Manchester. Alfred H. Satterlee in his 1862 book titled “An Arrangement of Medals and Tokens” called it very rare. Prior to the 1999 Bowers & Merena “Lindesmith” sale the only other auction appearance was the 1863 Bangs “Merwin" sale. The “Lindesmith” ex Cliff Edwards example is a smooth VF condition and is plated in Rulau’s book. In 2011 at Stacks/Bowers “Montgomery” sale another crossed auction also in VF condition. The “Montgomery” example along with being porous due to environmental damage was also stabbed nearly a 100 times but still did well. Little is known of the White House Hotel in Hulme which is now part of Greater Manchester. This token was issued in 1833 and from the design of the token with two crossed flintlocks with pigeon above it would appear that there was some sort of shooting activity on the hotel grounds and the purchase of such a ticket would give the holder access. There are several other pleasure gardens around Manchester and the idea was that people could escape the big city and partake such as walking around zoological or botanical gardens or perhaps shooting at released doves an early form of modern day clay pigeon shooting.


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